Yellow Bloom Holly (?)

Investigating this Yellow Bloom Holly in the park. The blooms started as small clusters of pellets. Then they opened looking like they had cracked. I thought them done but then they engorged as they are now. I don't know what kind of Holly, if Holly at all, this is. After staying green all winter many of the leaves turned russet colour just before the bloom. You can see the few left in the bottom image. I want some of this Holly for the garden.


Solved: the plant is Mahonia Aquifolium, 'Oregon Grape', and it is out of its zone growing in Toronto. Must be its protected location amongst the buildings and it is well sheilded by other plants.


And this past weekend Tom and I found three wonderful Mahonia Aquifilium, 'Oregon Grape' plants at Bristol Gardening and planted them next to the regular Holly. It has occured to me that we didn't ask if they require male and female plants as do the regular Holly. Guess next spring will tell.

More Orchid

Now with 3-branches in bloom . the right side is 2-arms of the same stalk - this is one wonderful plant.