Kathy, R.I.P.

Kathy and I, Taboo Resort, Muskoka, 2008.

Christmas Tree

I am enjoying this Christmas season. Last weekend Tom and I decorated the tree at his house with massive amounts of ornaments and ribbons. It is gaudy but beautiful.

Pink Jade in Bloom

My Pink Jade blooms twice a year, once in the spring when I take it outdoors and again in the fall when it is brought back inside. A canopy of small pink flowers. I received this plant as a mere sprig, a small single stemmed housewarming gift in 1995. Fourteen years later it is too big to pass through a doorway without breaking a branch. And each year I break a branch and plant it as a new Pink Jade. Curiously not all new plants bloom.

The Perfect Loaf, December 2 2009

I have always been a cook: meat, fish, hors d'oeuvres, soup and salad. But never a baker. My goal this year was to learn how to make bread. Many failures, some success. Flat breads a breeze, but a good risen loaf nearly impossible. Today I made the perfect loaf. it rose exactly as it should have, three times: first as a mash mixture, second as a boule, and lastly in the bread pans. It is a white caraway. They almost look like chickens with their tucked in bases. They are fluffy inside, a billion bubbles in the bread architecture. The crust is firm, solid and just the right crunch. Home made bread, butter and honey. Mmm.

For 2010 I have decided on savory pies.